Tord Boontje

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A walk in the forest

the sunlight shining

through the trees…

The inspiration behind the Garland light was a walk in the forest and seeing the sunlight shining through the trees.

I liked the idea of creating these flowers that encircle a light bulb. At the time when I designed this piece, I was looking for a way to link decoration and technology in order to create something that was not nostalgic.

I had seen examples of photographically etching metal some years before, these were computer components. I realised that this would be a suitable process and material for my idea.

Because of the very high precision of the process it was possible to create something that would be impossible to make by hand and therefore could not have existed in the past.

Originally designed for Habitat in 2002 and Artecnica in 2004, the Garland was relaunched in 2019 as a studio produced product.

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Blossoming again

Summer of 2019

Happy Garland!


Photography by Angela Moore, Artecnica, Studio Tord Boontje