Tord Boontje

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September 2015

London Design Festival 2015

For this years London Design Festival we'll be celebrating our recent collaborations at our studio with a show titled 'Luxury of Scale' - Presenting luxury objects at scales that can adorn the body and a space: from a collection of colourful jewellery commissioned by the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam to our flourishing Botanical Chandelier, first shown in Milan this year, and new furniture pieces designed for Porta Romana.

We're part of the exciting Shoreditch Design Triangle where we'll be open till 8pm on Tuesday 22 along with many other creatives in the area.

The London Design Festival is on from Saturday 19 to Sunday 27 September.

Our LDF opening hours:

11 – 6pm Monday – Saturday
12 – 5pm Sunday
Late night opening: Tuesday 22 till 8pm

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